Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Licence dodging '' On The Rise''

Latest news says that the amount of people evading their tv licence fees, is rising. The recession has seen the number of TV licence evaders across the UK shoot up by 5,000 during the first half of 2009 compared to the same period last year, a study reveals. Although latest figures by TV Licensing showed that 95% of properties were still licensed, almost 214,000 people have been watching TV without a valid licence, with an average evasion rate of over 5%.

5% doesn't seem enough to me. This number should be more like 100%.
Everybody would be better off getting rid of their TV, and getting the internet instead. Its about the same price as a TV licence, but you get loads more for your money. You can get any information you want. Right at your fingertips. Its amazing. And theres so many free sites out there now, like youtube or metacafe, that you will almost never be stuck with nothing for entertainment.

And it doesn't stop there, oh no. You can also get BBC iplayer for free. Yes thats right, you can get everything that has been on any BBC channel in the last month, for free. Whether its been on TV or on the radio, it doesn't matter!

So while people get this for free on the internet, people with TV's have to pay for a licence... WHAT A RIPOFF!!


In September 2008, the BBC's governing body, the BBC Trust, launched a review of TV Licensing's methods, following complaints about "heavy-handed" and "intimidating" tactics, and during December 2008, it was reported by the press that the chairman of the all-party Commons Culture, Media and Sport committee had accused TV Licensing of behaving "like the Gestapo", employing "tactics that are outrageous", saying: "The tactics used by TV Licensing in their letters are intimidatory and cause genuine distress. Their records are not always correct, but they write letters that assume members of the public are criminals". Which come to think of if that is exactly what they have been doing to me for the past 3 months, even though I DON'T watch TV.

In 2004, the Institute for Public Policy Research criticised the TV licence fee for its regressive impact, pointing out that it represents a much higher proportion of income for low-income households, that evaders are most likely to be single parents, lone tenants, pensioners and the economically inactive, and that the difficulties they have in paying the licence fee are compounded by the penalties enforced for non-payment.
Also in 2004, the BBC reported that "Almost 70% of people in the UK want changes to the way the BBC is funded", following an ICM poll for their current affairs programme Panorama, which showed that 31% were in favour of the existing licence fee system, 36% said the BBC should be paid for by a subscription, and 31% wanted advertising to pay for the programmes.

Four years later, in August 2008, the Guardian newspaper reported that "The BBC is facing an uphill battle to maintain support for the licence fee", stating that according to an Ipsos MORI poll the newspaper had commissioned, 41% agreed that the licence fee is an "appropriate funding mechanism" and 37% disagreed; but when asked whether the licence fee is "good value for money", 47% disagreed, with more than half of them disagreeing strongly. The poll also showed that there is no longer a majority believing that the licence fee assured them of distinctive programming not available elsewhere ― which, the newspaper said, had long been one of the key arguments for its existence: 41% of the population disagreed with only 30% agreeing. The poll also showed that opinion was split by a growing north-south and socio-economic divide.

Me myself I don't believe that people should pay a licence fee.... 142.50 a year is disgusting!

If 95% of homes currently have a licence, and 214.000 don't, then that is 4 million 280 thousand households that do have a licence.... So what is 4,280,000 x £142.50? ...........

£609,900,000. Thats how much. Over 6 BILLION English pounds. The BBC also use this money to fund two other channels that are only available on digital, which alot of licence holders do not have access to, which in its-self seems like robbery to me.

So after all this information I hope a few people will be willing to join in the cause, as the more people that stop paying, the less of a grip the TV licencing will have on people.
Ya never know... we might actually get free TV one day.


  1. you need a license to watch tv? what the heck? that's messed up! do you need a license to listen to the radio? i'm sorry, but it sounds very strange. what's next? a license to get online? oops...didn't mean to give them any dieas! if they pull this one in usa i'd be throwing my tv out as well!

  2. yes you do need a licence to listen to the radio. But just like TV you DONT GET THE CHOICE to opt out for bbc radio.

  3. Yeah, well, you can't blame them can you when all you watch on TV is pure rubbish these days. They need to scrap that Licence fee. We already pay too much in taxes as it is. Something still needs to be free. Don't you think?

    I can go for weeks and months without watching TV and not miss anything, especially with rubbish like "Big Brother" on TV. Give me a break, please. *yawn*

  4. I used to travel to the UK quite a bit and I have to say the TV there is rubbish anyway. Why anyone would PAY is beyond me. I wouldn't even watch it for free!

  5. I live in America. Not really sure if we have license fees or not. I do know I get hit with a bunch of state taxes and franchise fees. Thanks for explaining it so clearly. I'll be on the look out when I see my next statement.

  6. wow, that is crazy. I completely agree with you, if I had to pay a license fee I would scrap the tv and be stricly an internet girl..well I pretty much am already anyways. great article :)

  7. I'm from the U.S. lol. I don't know what t.v. licensing is. BBC America is funny as fuck though. You English folks have a great sense of humour.

  8. hi liam, i read your post in which you asked people to follow your blog and comment and you'll do the same for them. i like your blog... having to have a license is like censorship at its fullest! that's ridiculous.


    We are lucky here we do not pay TV licenses. I'm a jock in the Solomon Islands. We can watch BBC World News courtesy of the British High less!!

  10. Dear Sir - I am Indian - there is no tax on T.V.. The channels of the T.V. are paid channel and the contractor charge minimal charges which middle and poor family can pay. So far as Internet/computer is concerned in India it has not taken so much place as in advanceed countries. The rural people even still do not believe that mails can be sent through Internet. India may even take about 10 years atleast to reach nearabout the advanced countries. I am being asked by blogger com to complete my profile - but I do not know the technique. Here I am not against anyone - when there is rule of tax so one should pay the tax - to speak against the law-makers is futile exercise. Here I should not mention but as per culture I mention that on foreign films sexual scene are exhibited in such a way that we are living in the world of animals. Thanks - Kirpal Singh

  11. WOW! I'm an American and don't have to pay a license for tv thankfully, but I support what you're doing. I have a list I run on AOL and have several members from the UK on it. I'll be sure to send the link to your site out to them in my next mailing to help you spread the word.

  12. Liam(love the name)..very interesting post.I am also american living supposedly in the land of the free,but now things are pretty bad(u could say not an OBama fan). I am sure they here are getting taxes on everything. I think we should exercise our voice on the things that are u do. I myself am a newby. Started off writing @ how docs mess me up and add some Christian exortation on the side. I just think @ how the docs do this everyday(unnecessary surgeries) to someone and take their lives away and the closeness of some of their family members who just don't understand(my 17yr.old doesn't believe moms disabled,but that's another story I am going to add to my post when I get it going good).I add @ the love of my life,that I am unable to do anymore because doc messed me up,I am a vocalist(worked perfessionally in Nashville,TN and used to could play ovation guitar..not now!). I still can sing thank God, but all the crappy, but greatful pain relieving meds have me gaining weight and in the bed a lot so don't get to do my thing. I would love for you to give me pointers on my site(my first)so be gentle and I am computer illiterate(taught myself what I know). I need character also. I have aspirations of having followers to feel like I am doing something. I want to add pics on the side,add video clips, and music clips..need help..u sounded like the perfect source of it. If u would just check it out and comment. I would love to have u visit me. Thanks for standing up for what u believe is so important that we do that!
