Sunday, 25 October 2009


Hi there everybody, here is another video from my good man john, the tv licence man will really hate this one..... But I am sure everybody else will love it. If you havn't yet seen my video of the tv licence man running away with his tail between his legs then please scroll down and take a look, I'm sure it will make you laugh as well as show you how much 'power' these so called 'enforcement officers' HAVN'T got...


  1. hey buddy. I've been following your blog for quite a while and had been not seen any new postings lately. I hope you're okay and in good health. I wish you a happy new year for you and all your loved ones. AlSo i wanted to invite you to stop by on my blog and read my latest post, which is originally. the reason of why I created my blog. Thank you and keep me posted about your licensing.
    PS, I did not pose many comments in any oF the blogs i follow, because I am awful on grammar and spelling. Thankfully, this will change just recently i got a program that allows me to dictate to my computer, and she takes grammar and spelling as well as writing at the same time. Again. Thank you and god bless you.
    Sincerely yours Armando

  2. Hi guy follow me back plzz , i need new reader ha ha ha ha

  3. Lol.. haha Love it. Thanks for this. ^_^

    tv licence cost

  4. Ok, i'm american and i'm a little fuzzy on this, essentially what your saying is.. If i was to move to the UK and (hypothetically) take my TV with me i would need a TV licence just because i own one. Even if i had no way to watch TV channels and only used it to watch DVD's? That's RETARDED!!

  5. 18/oct/2012. can I watch your video? It appears not to be working!

  6. lmao youtube has removed yh video wonder why! what a bunch of wankers!
